Personal Interests

Places I have been include:

I have been and continue to be active in civic activities as well, such as the Rotary Club International in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I spend as much time in Brazil as possible with my wife's family.

I also speak Portuguese with my wife, having become fluent in the during the 7 years I lived in Brazil.

I also enjoy learning how to apply the technology of the Internet of Things  and AI and think about what they will do to our culture in the future.

But in the end: my wife is right, I do love to work. I love solving complicated business problems with great people and businesses like NetSuite and the companies and entrepreneurs.

Working with the NetSuite community of Oracle NetSuite, partners and NetSuite existent and future customers has been and continues to be the most rewarding and exciting work I have done.

My wife would tell you that my primary interest is work, but that is not completely true.

I have had an amazing life full of opportunity and travel. Each opportunity has lead to a new level of understanding about how important it is to focus on basics:

Some of the activities that have helped me to reach this place in life are: